Legacy Documents for RackAFX6
Here you can find addendums and other technical notes for the now unsupported RackAFX6 (aka Legacy RackAFX)
Addendum 1: Designing Side-chaining PlugIns with RackAFX
Sample Project: VolumeWithSidechain
Technical Notes
Technical Note 1: Audio-GUI Thread Processing in RackAFX v6.8+
Technical Note 2: Sending GUI Updates in RackAFX v6.8+
Sample Project: Linking two knob controls with checkUpdateGUI( )
Technical Note 3: Automatic Parameter Smoothing in RackAFX v6.8+
Technical Note 4: Getting DAW Host Information in RackAFX v6.8+
Technical Note 5: Implementing a MIDI Learn GUI
Sample Project: MIDI Learn Project
Technical Note 6: Customizing the CSegmentButton Control
Sample Project: Custom Segment Button Project
Technical Note 7: Updating pre v6.8 RackAFX Projects
Technical Note 8A: Introduction to CMake
Technical Note 8B: Exporting Projects
Technical Note 8C: Using CMake