SynthLab SDK
Un-Assigned Mod Knobs

Many of the SynthModule cores have unassigned Mod Knobs and you will see only an alphabetical letter A, B, C or D above the GUI control. It is also disabled and won't do anything. This was done in part to facilitate the classes I teach at the University of Miami. The unassigned mod knobs can be used for study and homework because in all cases, the vast majority of the object is already coded and debugged. This allows students to add bits and pieces of their own wierd/interesting ideas to existing code, and hear the results quickly as a way to get started with the SynthLab programming. If you teach, you can easily assign new and interesting homework that adds meaningful functionality to the modules, and this includes quite advanced pre and post processing of the waveform data, the introduction of new and different digital filters, nonlinear processing, intelligent note sequencing/arpeggiation and much more. If you are studying on your own or are a DIY person, then use those unassigned mod knobs for your own interesting experiments. You can code right into the SDK, or make a copy and edit it's modules.

If you fill up all of the existing un-assigned mod knob controls with your own ideas, then you will automatically get your own unique version of the SynthLab projects and have a truly one-of-a-kind product for yourself.
