SynthLab SDK
Appendix: GUI Parameter Tables

Giant parameter dumps of all synth parameters from my ASPiK plugins are found in the following pages. These list the GUI control parameters and you will need these values for setting up your parameters and GUI in your plugin framework of choice. There is nothihg here that is related or bound to ASPiK; these are very generic GUI parameter data. Be aware of the following:

  • the ControlID is the parameter ID for my GUI and you may safely ignore it; you will have a similar constuct in your framework
  • the Bound Var Name is the name of the variable that the GUI control delivers its control messages to; you may likewise safely ignore it, but if you examine my full ASPiK project code, you will see these variable names for the plugin parameters.
  • these dumps are for my DM synths that use dynamic string loading which is an advanced GUI topic for any plugin framework; many of the string-list parameters use dummy string-lists as placeholders for the dynamic string loading function; see Fixed Module/Core & GUI and Set GUI Control Strings for information on setting up your GUI with fixed string-lists

Tables are formatted as follows:

Continuous Controls (sliders/knobs)

Control Name: Filter1 Out
Control Units: dB
Control Type: Continuous
Bound Variable Datatype: double
Low Limit: -60.000000
High Limit: 20.000000
Initial Value: 0.000000
Control Taper: linear
ControlID: 55
Bound Var Name: filter1Output_dB

On-Off Switches

Control Name: lfo1 lfo2fc
Control Type: Two-State Switch -- On/Off
Default State: OFF
ControlID: 171
Bound Var Name: lfo1_lfo2_fc

String-List controls (drop-lists/menus)

Example of a control (parameter) that is a target for dynamic string loading; note the 16 dummy strings in the comma-separated list:

Control Name: LFO1 Wave
Control Type: Multiple Selection
String List: wave0,wave1,wave2,wave3,wave4,wave5,wave6,wave7,wave8,wave9,wave10,wave11,wave12,wave13,wave14,wave15
Initial Selection: wave0
ControlID: 1
Bound Var Name: lfo1_waveform

Example of a control (parameter) that does not use dynamic string loading:

Control Name: LFO1 Mode
Control Type: Multiple Selection
String List: sync,one_shot,free_run
Initial Selection: sync
ControlID: 2
Bound Var Name: lfo1_mode

Parameter Tables for Synths
